
Participation of the Belarusian delegation in the meeting of the Joint Convention on Radioactive Waste


The Eighth Review Meeting of the Contracting parties to the Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and on the Safety of Radioactive Waste Management is being held from 17 to 28 March 2025 at the IAEA headquarters in Vienna (Austria).

The Joint Convention was concluded under the auspices of the IAEA in 1997. This is the only international legally binding instrument to address, on a global scale, the safety of spent fuel and radioactive waste management, from their generation to disposal.

The Joint Convention includes 89 states and Euratom. Belarus has been a party to this international treaty since 24 February 2003 and takes part in all review meetings. Such meetings are held every three years to review national reports on the implementation of international obligations, as well as policies and practices for the management of spent nuclear fuel and radioactive waste.

The Belarusian delegation at the meeting is headed by Olga Lugovskaya, Head of the Department for Nuclear and Radiation Safety of the Ministry for Emergency Situations. The Belarusian delegation also includes representatives of organisations of the Ministry of Energy and the National Academy of Sciences.

The programme of the delegation includes participation in plenary sessions and country sessions, where national reports submitted by parties to the Convention will be discussed. On March 20, the presentation and consideration of the national report of Belarus will take place. The experience of Belarus, which operates its first nuclear power plant, traditionally attracts the attention of a wide range of participants. Discussion of the report will contribute to further improving the safety of spent nuclear fuel and radioactive waste management.

The text of the national report of the Republic of Belarus on the implementation of obligations under the Joint Convention (in English and Russian) is posted on the website of the Department for Nuclear and Radiation Safety of the Ministry for Emergency Situations https://gosatomnadzor.mchs.gov.by/en/novosti).


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